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 Network Analyzers using RVNA and RNVNA software

The S-parameter conversion function allows for the conversion of measurement results (, where i is a value from 1 to N is taken. N is a number of Analyzers.) to the parameters:



Impedance in reflection measurement ()

Admittance in reflection measurement ()

Inverse S-parameter

S-parameter complex conjugate

is characteristic impedance of Port.

is measured S-parameter (S11, S22 etc.).


Equations for , , are approximate. The reason for using the approximate method is the measurement speed, as only one S-parameter is used in the calculations.

The S-parameter conversion function can be applied to an individual trace of a channel. The trace to which the function is applied must be preselected as active (See Selection of Active Trace).

To enable/disable conversion function, use the Analysis > Conversion > Conversion softkeys on left menu bar.

Analysis Conversion Conversion activating

Then select the conversion type, click on the Function field and select the required value from the list.

Conversion Function Conversion menu


All conversion types are indicated in the trace status field, if enabled (See Trace Status Field).

Rev.:  24.1