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 Network Analyzers using RVNA and RNVNA software

By default, the marker values of the data traces (not memory traces) are displayed on the screen. The display of memory trace maker values can be enabled, if a memory trace is available.

When the display of memory trace marker values is ON, the marker indicates the stored data at the same time with the current (See figure below). Marker pointers appear on the memory trace are the same as on the data trace. Markers pointers are interactive. They can be moved with the mouse to watch the stored data.

Memory trace value display

Display of the memory value using markers

To enable/disable the display of memory trace marker values, toggle the following softkeys Marker > Properties.

In the Memory Value dialog, click on the Memory Value field to toggle between the values.

Close the dialog by clicking Ok.

Marker Properties Memory value

Rev.:  24.1