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 Network Analyzers using RVNA and RNVNA software

A PC with a connected USB Analyzer must be connected to the local network and configured as a member of a domain or a member of a working group for managing DCOM technology. The network administrator must join the analyzer or control computer to a domain in the first case. An administrator or user assigns a workgroup name and adds user accounts in the second case.

The user category "everyone" has access to DCOM objects of the device. For the working group, the “everyone” user category includes those users with local accounts in the device. In the domain, the "everyone" user category includes users with local accounts, as well as all domain users, even if they do not have local accounts.

The device is configured in one of two ways:

Join the device to a domain, which makes network connections of domain users to the device easier.

When using a workgroup, start by creating local accounts on the device for each user who will have access to DCOM objects. The local user account in the device must match the local account on its remote computer (login, password).


Rev.:  24.1