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 Network Analyzers using RVNA and RNVNA software

This section contains information about the Analyzer remote control and its data communication, carried out by means of user program through a computer network.

This section describes programing of the Analyzer using SCPI commands or COM/DCOM technology. SCPI commands are primarily described in this manual. A corresponding COM command description is provided at the end of each SCPI command description.

SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) defines a standard for syntax and commands to use in controlling programmable instruments. SCPI commands are ASCII textual strings that are sent to the Analyzer program over the LAN physical layer using the TCP/IP Socket network protocol. These protocols can also be used within a single PC when using the IP address or localhost.

TCP/IP Socket is a general-purpose network protocol. The user program can connect to the Analyzer using the TCP/IP Socket protocol both directly and through the VISA library.

VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) library is a widely used software input-output interface for measuring and testing equipment. It is a library of functions for C/C++, C#, Visual Basic, MATLAB, LabVIEW and others. The VISA library unifies access to all measuring instruments, regardless of the protocol and physical layer used. The VISA library is available on the websites of many companies for free download. There are versions of VISA library for Windows, Linux, Mac OS.

COM/DCOM (Component Object Model/Distributed Component Object Model) is a program technology developed by Microsoft. The COM/DCOM technology establishes a program interface between the analyzer program and the user program. The analyzer program acts as a COM server. The user program acts as a COM client. COM is used within a single PC. DCOM is used over a LAN.


Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI)

VISA specifications


Rev.:  24.1