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 Network Analyzers using RVNA and RNVNA software

SCPI Command

DISPlay:WINDow<Ch>:TRACe<Tr>:Y[:SCALe]:PDIVision <numeric>



Sets or reads out the trace scale. Sets the scale per division when the data format is in the rectangular format. Sets the full scale value when the data format is in the Smith chart format or the polar format.



Trace <Tr> of channel <Ch>,



<Tr>={[1]…|16} (in N-port mode only)

<Ch>={[1]…|16} (in N-port mode only)


<response> the scale value

Out of Range

Sets the value of the limit, which is closer to the specified value.

Out of Range

Sets the value of the limit, which is closer to the specified value

Query Response


Preset Value

Varies depending on the format.

Logarithmic Magnitude: 10 dB/Div

Phase: 40 °/Div

Expand Phase: 100 °/Div

Group Delay: 10e–9 s/Div

Smith Chart, Polar, SWR: 1 /Div

Linear Magnitude: 0.1 /Div

Real part, Imaginary part: 0.2 /Div

Equivalent Softkeys

Scale > Scale

Equivalent COM Command



Value = app.SCPI.DISPlay.WINDow(Ch).TRACe(Tr).Y.SCALe.PDIVision

app.SCPI.DISPlay.WINDow(Ch).TRACe(Tr).Y.SCALe.PDIVision = 20


Double (read/write)


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Rev.:  24.1