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 Network Analyzers using RVNA and RNVNA software

When there are several channel windows displayed, the active channel window can be temporarily expanded to full screen size. The other channel windows will not be visible, but this will not interrupt measurements in those channels.

Similarly, when there are several traces displayed in a channel window, the active trace can be temporarily expanded. The other channel windows will be hidden, and this will interrupt the measurements in those channels.

Window Maximizing

Active Channel/Trace Window Maximizing

To enable/disable active channel maximizing function use the following softkeys Channel > Maximize Channel.

Channels Maximize Channel

To enable/disable active trace maximizing function use the following softkeys Trace > Trace Allocation > Maximize Trace.

Trace Trace Allocation Maximize Trace


Channel and trace maximization can also be controlled achieved by a double click on the channel/trace (See figure above). To return to the initial state, double click on channel/trace.

Rev.:  24.1