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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

Different methods of calibration apply either full or partial definitions of the calibration standards.

The full two-port calibration, full one-port calibration, one-path two-port calibration, and normalization use fully defined calibration standards, i.e. the standards with known S-parameters. The S-parameters of OPEN, SHORT, LOAD, and THRU/LINE must be defined by the model or by data.


The UNKNOWN THRU and SLIDING LOAD standards are exceptional in the above calibrations. The S‑parameters of these standards are defined in the process of calibration. UNKNOWN THRU is used only in full two-port calibration.

TRL calibration and its modifications (TRM, LRL, LRM) apply partial definition of the standards:

TRL THRU standards must have the required value of Z0 (S11=S22=0) and known length (delay).

TRL LINE/MATCH standard must have the same value of Z0 as the first standard.

TRL REFLECT standard must have the phase known as accurately as ±90°.


Rev.:  22.3