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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

System Settings

Power Meter Settings

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An external power meter can be connected to the Analyzer to perform a power calibration of the test ports. Connect the power meter to the PC directly via USB port or via USB/GPIB adapter. Then, install the power meter software. The list of power meters supported by the Analyzer is shown in the table below.

Power meter setup exampl pxi

Power meter setup example

Supported power meters

Power Sensor

Designation in the VNA Software

Connection Type

Additional Software

R&S®NRP-Z Power Sensors

R&S NRP-Z USB Power Sensors


R&S®NRP-Toolkit for Windows

VXIplug&play x64 or x86 driver rsnrpz

R&S®NRVS Power Meter plus R&S®NRV-Z Power Sensors

R&S NRVS GRIB Power Meter

GPIB or USB via GPIB/USB Adapter

VISA Library from any vendor (visa32.dll)

GPIB/USB Adapter driver (if needed)

R&S®NRPxxT  Thermal Power Sensor

R&S NRPxT USB Power Sensor


R&S®NRP-Toolkit for Windows

VISA Library from any vendor (visa32.dll)

NI USB-568x RF Power Sensors

NI USB-568x Power Sensors


NI USB-568x driver (ni568x.dll)

LadyBug USB Power Sensors (LB478A, LB479A, LB480A, LB559A, LB579A, LB589A)

LadyBug LBxxxx USB Power Sensors


Not needed (included in the VNA software installer)

LadyBug LB59XX USB Power Sensors

LadyBug LB59xx USB Power Sensors


VISA Library from any vendor (visa32.dll)

Keysight U848x Power Sensors

Keysight U848x USB Power Sensors


VISA Library from any vendor (visa32.dll)

Keysight U200x Power Sensors

Keysight U200x USB Power Sensors


VISA Library from any vendor (visa32.dll)

Power meter softkeysPower meter softkeys2

To select the power meter, use the following softkeys:

System > Misc Setup > Power Meter

Then select the required power meter:

R&S NRPxT USB Sensor

R&S NRPxZ USB Sensor

Keysight U848x USB Sensor

Keysight U200x USB Sensor

NI USB-568x Power Sensor

LadyBug LB59xx USB Sensor

LadyBug LBxxx USB Power Sensor

R&S NRVS GRIB Power Meter


NI USB settings

If an NI USB-568x Power Sensor is selected, set its resource name to VISA using Resource Name and confirm the selection with the Select softkey. The Resource name for this power sensor must be carried over from NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).

R_S NRVS SettingsSelectGPIB BoardGPIB Address

If an R&S NRVS GPIB power meter is selected, set the GPIB board address and the power meter address in the bus and confirm the selection with the Select softkey.

To select the GPIB board address and the power meter address in the bus, using the following softkeys:

System > Misc Setup > Power Meter > R&S NRVS GPIB Power Meter > GPIB Board

System > Misc Setup > Power Meter > R&S NRVS GPIB Power Meter > GPIB Address

Check Connection

The Check Connection… softkey checks the connection of the power meter. It provides sensor type, if the communication between the Analyzer and the power meter has been successfully established.



Rev.:  22.3