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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

The installer Setup_PXIe_S2VNA_vX.X.exe installs the following files in the specified locations.

Directory designations used:

<CmtGuiRootDir> is an alias for the following Coppermountaintech file folder location:

(32-bit) Program Files\Coppermountaintech\PXI S2VNA\

(64-bit) Program Files (x86)\Coppermountaintech\PXI S2VNA\

<CmtDataRootDir> is an alias for the following Coppermountaintech file folder location: Program Data\Coppermountaintech\PXI S2VNA\

<IVIROOTDIR32> is an alias for the following National Instruments file folder location:

(32-bit) Program Files\IVI Foundation\IVI\

(64-bit) Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\

<IVIROOTDIR64> is an alias for the following National Instruments file folder location:

(64-bit) Program Files\IVI Foundation\IVI\


Installed Location

S2VNA main GUI application


S2VNA Operating and Programming manual


PXI hardware driver


USB driver for automatic calibration module




CmtNA IVI-C driver


CmtNA IVI-C driver help


CmtNAIVI-C driver Header files


CmtNA IVI-C driver Import Library files (32-bit)


CmtNA IVI-C driver Import Library files (64-bit)


CmtNA IVI-C driver DLL (32-bit)


CMT VNA IVI.NET driver DLL (32-bit)

<IVIROOTDIR32>\Microsoft.NET\Framework32\v4.0.30319\CmtNA IVI.NET Driver 20.3.1\

CMT VNA IVI.NET driver DLL (64-bit)

<IVIROOTDIR64>\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\CmtNA IVI.NET Driver 20.3.1\

CMT VNA IVI.NET driver XML help (32-bit)

<IVIROOTDIR32>\Microsoft.NET\Framework32\v4.0.30319\CmtNA IVI.NET Driver 20.3.1\

CMT VNA IVI.NET driver XML help (64-bit)

<IVIROOTDIR64>\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\CmtNA IVI.NET Driver 20.3.1\

CMT VNA IVI.NET driver CHM help (32-bit)

<IVIROOTDIR64>\Microsoft.NET\Framework32\v4.0.30319\CmtNA IVI.NET Driver 20.3.1\Help\

CMT VNA IVI.NET driver CHM help (64-bit)

<IVIROOTDIR64>\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\CmtNA IVI.NET Driver 20.3.1\Help\

CMT VNA IVI.NET driver driver example programs (32-bit)

<IVIROOTDIR64>\Microsoft.NET\Framework32\v4.0.30319\CmtNA IVI.NET Driver 20.3.1\Examples\

CMT VNA IVI.NET driver driver example programs (64-bit)

<IVIROOTDIR64>\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\CmtNA IVI.NET Driver 20.3.1\Examples\

CMT VNA IVI.NET driver source code project (optionally, 32-bit)

<IVIROOTDIR64>\Microsoft.NET\Framework32\v4.0.30319\CmtNA IVI.NET Driver 20.3.1\Source\

CMT VNA IVI.NET driver source code project (optionally, 64-bit)

<IVIROOTDIR64>\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\CmtNA IVI.NET Driver 20.3.1\Source\

Additional File Locations for Windows 64-bit


Installed Location

CmtNA IVI-C driver Header files


CmtNA IVI-C driver Import Library files (64-bit)


CmtNA IVI-C driver DLL (64-bit)


VNA Runtime File Location


Installed Location

VNA State Files and Data Files Location

<CmtDataRootDir>\<VNA name>,

where <VNA name> is a name of the VNA in the PXI system. For example, PXI1Slot5.

Rev.:  22.3