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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

Use NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX) to configure CMT VNA hardware. NI MAX informs other programs about which devices reside in the system and how they are configured. NI MAX is automatically installed with NI-VISA.

1.Launch NI MAX by navigating to Start > All Programs > National Instruments > Measurement & Automation or by clicking the Measurement & Automation desktop icon.

2.In the Configuration pane, double-click Devices and Interfaces to see the list of installed devices. Installed devices appear under the name of their associated chassis.

3.Expand your Chassis tree item. NI MAX lists all devices installed in the chassis. The default device names may vary.



If the listed hardware can't be seen, press to refresh the list of installed devices. If the device is still not listed, power off the system, ensure the device is correctly installed, and restart.

4.Record the device identifier MAX assigns to the hardware. Use this identifier when programming your CMT Vector Network Analyzer device.

5.For more details of the renaming CMT Vector Network Analyzer module, see Renaming a Hardware Module in NI MAX.

Rev.:  22.3