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Automatic Fixture Removal

Time-Gating method uses a conventional time domain gating algorithm, which implies the definition and extraction of fixture parameters separated by distance or time.

In order for this method to work, the appropriate resolution should be provided in the time domain. This resolution depends on the maximum VNA frequency and electrical length of the fixture. Different examples of signal separation are presented in the sections covering 2xThrough and 1xReflect.


It is recommended to choose fixture that has its electrical length more than 4xRise Time of VNA.

For determination of time gate points related with the beginning, middle or the end of fixture(s), impulse responses analysis is performed in auto mode.

To reduce the side lobes of the impulse response of measured data and achieve max available resolution in the time domain, gating procedure with appropriate shifting, and adjusting phase at the end of frequency range are performed. Also we apply windowing functions to smooth the sharpness of the original response.

Time domain gating supports 2xThrough and 1xReflect methods for fixtures parameters definition and further de-embedding them.


Rev.:  22.2.1