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Automatic Fixture Removal

The page opens by clicking EDIT CHARACTERIZATION button and has four tabs (See table below).

Tab Name



Length displays the impulse response of the circuit from which the electrical length is estimated. To calculate this, the 2xThrough transmission coefficient data or 1xReflect reflection coefficient data is used.



Gating displays the impulse response of the circuit with an indication of the time gating range. The calculation uses the 2xThrough reflection coefficient and the 1xReflect reflection coefficient with maximum signal suppression. The characteristic can be used to judge the quality of the fixture, i.e. the presence of heterogeneities in its design.



Impedance displays the fixture impedance along its length. The characteristic shows how much the impedance changes and what its value is in the connection area of the DUT. A deviation of impedance from the required value by more than 5-10% can further lead to significant distortions in the measurement results of the DUT.



S-parameters displays the calculated parameters of each fixture in the frequency domain.


Click Show user markers toggle button, to set markers and open the measured values table.


Available scaling of plots by selecting the desired area with the cursor.


Rev.:  22.2.1