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 Network Analyzers using S4VNA software

If the trigger source is set to External by the command TRIG:SOUR EXT, the sweep starts at the arrival of the signal on the external trigger input.

The Analyzer must be in the trigger waiting state when the trigger signal arrives, otherwise the signal is ignored but no error is detected.

When using the external trigger input, the hardware trigger output can also be used to determine the end of the sweep. The TRIG:WAIT command can be used if there is a need to determine the end of the sweep using the program.

Example 3. The program puts the Analyzer into external trigger waiting. Then program waits for the sweep completion. The continuous initiation mode must be enabled (after PRESET, for example).






Selects the external trigger source and transits the Analyzer to the trigger waiting state.

Waits for the end of the sweep.

Any query is required to block program.

After sweep completion the Analyzer returns to the trigger waiting state, and then the next external trigger signal starts a new sweep.


Rev.:  22.4