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 Network Analyzers using S4VNA software

To enable remote control of the Analyzer, turn on the HiSLIP server and/or Socket server in the settings of the analyzer's program. The default TCP/IP port number of each protocol can be changed optionally.

HiSLIP is a TCP/IP-based protocol specially designed for measuring and test equipment. TCP/IP Socket is a general-purpose protocol.

Typically, the user program (client) uses VISA library to establish the connection. When using the VISA library, the client selects the protocol by specifying it in the VISA address of the Analyzer.

The VISA library hides the details of protocol implementation from the client and provides a uniform I/O interface. Nevertheless, there are some minor differences in programming methods when using the HiSLIP and TCP/IP Socket protocols, which are described later in Differences in Use of HiSLIP and Socket Protocols.

After a connection has been established by the client, the latter can send SCPI commands and read the results of the measurements. The command set is the same for both protocols and is described in Command Reference.

The client must specify the Analyzer's PC IP address or network name in the VISA address string. The Analyzer and user programs can be run on the same PC. In this case, the client specifies the IP address as or localhost.

Multiple analyzer programs can be executed on the same PC (when several USB blocks are connected). In this case, the user must specify a unique TCP/IP port number in the settings of each analyzer program.

One analyzer program does not limit the number of simultaneously connected clients. Clients themselves are responsible for the absence of conflicts in the remote control of the Analyzer. The HiSLIP protocol supports the exclusive or shared lock of the Analyzer by the client. For more details about locks, see the VISA manual.


Rev.:  22.4