SCPI Command
SENSe<Ch>:CORRection:OFFSet:COLLect:METHod:SMIX2 <numeric1>,<numeric2>
Selects the ports and sets the scalar mixer calibration type when the frequency offset feature is on for the calculation of the calibration coefficients on completion of the calibration executed by the SENS:CORR:OFFS:COLL:SAVE command. |
no query |
Channel <Ch>,
<numeric1> |
First port |
<numeric2> |
Second port |
If an incorrect port number is specified, an error occurs.
Equivalent COM Command
app.SCPI.SENSe(Ch).CORRection.OFFSet.COLLect.METHod.SMIX2 = Array(2, 1)
Variant (array of Long) (write only)
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