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 Network Analyzers using S2VNA software

A remote computer is a user's computer from which the analyzer is remotely controlled via a local network.

Copy the S2VNA.exe file to the remote computer from the analyzer with a built-in computer or from the computer controlling the USB Analyzer. Run this file once with the /regserver keyword, and the COM server will register on the remote computer. After that, the file can be deleted.

To replace COM technology with DCOM technology, use one of two methods:

Make changes to the source code of the programs.

Change the DCOM settings on the remote computer using the dcomcnfg.exe utility.

The first method requires modifying the CreateObject statement. This operator requires an explicit inclusion of the network name of the device or its IP address, for example:

Set app = CreateObject("S2VNA.Applcation", "o304-000123")

Set app = CreateObject("S2VNA.Applcation", "")

The network name of the device can be found in the system properties (Start> Control Panel> System> Computer Name).

The second method is to indicate the location of the COM server S2VNA.exe using the dcomcnfg.exe utility. Run the specified utility on the remote computer, which is usually located in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder:

Go to Component "Services > Computers > My Computer > DCOM Setup".

Find the "S2VNA Object" in the list and open the "Properties" dialog.

Click the "Location" tab, deselect the "Run application on this computer" check box, and select the "Run application on the following computer" check box.

Then, enter the network name of the device.


Rev.:  24.1