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 Network Analyzers using S2VNA software

Follow the guidelines below to perform calibration correctly and reduce accidental errors. Observance of the guidelines will ensure the specified accuracy of the device.

General Guidelines

Select all fixtures for connecting the DUT and assemble the measuring setup before starting the calibration. Perform calibration in the plane passing through the connectors to which the DUT is connected.

Calibrate the measuring setup at the same stimulus parameters (frequency range, number of points, stimulus power) at which measurements will be performed. Changing these parameters after calibration may significantly reduce the accuracy of the measurements.

During calibration, do not set the IF bandwidth wider than planned for measurements.

Choose a calibration kit according to the type and gender of the DUT connectors.

The frequency range of the selected calibration kit must correspond to the range in which the calibration is performed.

When choosing a calibration kit, note that for SOLT calibrations the most accuracy will be provided by the calibration kit, in which the parameters of the standards are most accurately defined. For TRL calibrations, the accuracy of the calibration is mainly determined by the quality of the standards manufacturing.

The calibration kit selected in the Analyzer software must strictly correspond to the one actually used. The mismatch is unacceptable.

For easy measurements, it is possible to create custom calibration kits from the available standards or specially manufactured calibration kits to solve specific measuring tasks. To include a standard in a calibration kit, calculate or measure its parameters using a high precision measuring tool. Create a description in the form of a model of standard or S-parameter table of standard and download this description to the analyzer software.

The choice of calibration method depends on the measurement being performed, its accuracy requirements, the permissible calibration labor intensity, and the availability of calibration kits.

For the SOLT calibrations, it is recommended to use ACM (Automatic Calibration Module) to reduce:

the labor intensity of the calibration without loss of accuracy

wear of connectors

operator errors

If an additional component (cable, attenuator, adapter) is added to the measurement setup after calibration, recalibrate. Instead of recalibration, it is possible to use the de-embedding function or the port extension function to compensate for the added electrical length (delay) and losses.

Recommendations for Reducing Random Measurement Errors

To reduce errors introduced by the instrument noise of the Analyzer, it is recommended to increase the source power of the stimulus signal, narrow the IF bandwidth, and apply averaging over several measurement sweep values.

To reduce errors in the temperature drift of the electrical characteristics of the Analyzer and the components of the measuring setup, it is recommended:

To perform measurements in a room with a stable, controlled temperature, at which the technical characteristics of the analyzer are guaranteed.

To recalibrate if the room temperature has changed significantly after calibration.

To warm-up the analyzer for a time determined in the specification before starting the calibration.

To keep the calibration standards unpacked in the room where the measurements are taken to stabilize the parameters, before starting the calibration.

To reduce the connector repeatability errors, it is recommended:

To apply proper connector care connectors must be good and clean (See Connector Care).

To use a special wrench with a standardized tightening torque, when connecting the DUT and calibration standards to measurement connectors.

To not change the position of the components of the measuring setup in space during or after calibration.

To recalibrate if setup components have been rearranged.


Rev.:  24.2