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 Network Analyzers using RVNA and RNVNA software


This section is not available for R140.

This setting allows to select the external trigger event.

Trigger event


On sweep


One trigger signal starts a full measurement cycle, that is, the measurement of all frequency points of all channels included in the measurement cycle.

On point

One trigger signal starts the measurement of one frequency point of a channel. The next trigger signal starts the measurement of the next frequency point of the channel, and so on.

By default, the external trigger initiates a sweep measurement upon every trigger event (See figure below).

Before Sampling, Point Trigger OFF

Before Sampling, Point trigger is OFF

Before Setup, Point Trigger OFF

Before Setup, Point trigger is OFF

For the external trigger source, the point trigger feature instead initiates a point measurement upon each trigger event (See figure below).

Before Sampling, Point trigger ON

Before Sampling, Point trigger is ON

Before Setup, Point trigger ON

Before Setup, Point trigger is ON

To enable the point trigger feature for external trigger source, use the following softkeys Trigger > Trigger Input > Event { On Sweep | On Point }.

Trigger Trigger Input Trigger Event

Rev.:  24.1