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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

The purpose of the trigger output depends on the selected function.

Trigger Output Function


Before Setup

Single pulse before setup frequency.

Before Sampling

Single pulse before sampling.

After Sampling

Single pulse after sampling.

Ready for Trigger

Indicates the ready for external trigger state. The signal position depends on the external trigger position setting.

After the arrival of the external trigger the ready for trigger signal is deselected and the measurement has begun.

Sweep End

Single pulse at the end of the sweep.


The pulse duration is equal to the duration of the measurement from the first to the last point.

The figures below show the trigger output signal generation, depending on the selected trigger condition.

Trigger output function

Trigger Output (except Ready for Trigger)

Trigger Output RFT

Trigger Output RFT1

External Trigger set before sampling

External trigger set before setup

Trigger Output (Ready for Trigger only)

Output trigger function

Trigger output function softkeys

To select the function of the trigger output, use the following softkeys:

Stimulus > Trigger > Trigger Output > Function

Then select the required function of the trigger output:

Before Setup

Before Sampling

After Sampling

Ready for Trig

Sweep End






Rev.:  22.3