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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

The style and width of data and memory traces and graph grid can be changed.

The width of a data and memory traces ranges from 1 to 3 pixels.

The line style of the trace and grid can also be customized: choose between solid, dash, dot, and dash-dot (See the figure below).

Style line

Style line 2



Style line 3

Style line 4



Trace and grid styles


Data trace style

Data trace width

To change the style and width of a data trace, use the following softkeys:

Display > Properties > Lines > Data Trace Style > [Solid | Dash | Dot | Dash-dot]

Width ranges from 1 to 3 pixels.

Display > Properties > Lines > Data Trace Width

Mem trace style

Mem trace width

To change the style and width of a memory trace, use the following softkeys:

Display > Properties > Lines > Mem Trace Style > [Solid | Dash | Dot | Dash-dot]

Display > Properties > Lines > Mem Trace Width

Grid style solid

To change the grid style, the following softkeys:

Display > Properties > Lines > Grid Style > [Solid | Dash | Dot | Dash-dot]


Rev.:  22.3