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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

SCPI Command

MMEMory:CATalog? <string>


This command reads out the following information on the hard drive:

Space in use.

Available space.

Name and size of all files (including directories) in the specified directory.

query only


<string> Directory name

Query Response


("{A},{B},{Name 1},,{Size 1},{Name 2},,{Size 2}, ... ,{Name N},,{Size N}")

Where: N is the number of all files in the specified directory and n is an integer between 1 and N,

{A} is space in use of the hard drive (byte),

{B} is available space of the hard drive (byte),

{Name n} is name of the n-th file (directory),

{Size n} is size (byte) of the n-th file (directory). Always 0 for directories.

Equivalent Softkeys


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Rev.:  22.3