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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

This setting allows to select the external trigger event.

Trigger event


On sweep


One trigger signal starts a full measurement cycle, that is, the measurement of all frequency points of all channels included in the measurement cycle.

On point

One trigger signal starts the measurement of one frequency point of a channel. The next trigger signal starts the measurement of the next frequency point of the channel, and so on.


If the Averaging Trigger function and the On point trigger function are enabled at the same time, the On point trigger function has priority. In this case, N * P trigger signals are required to complete the averaging, where N is the averaging factor, and P is the number of points.

ext trig event on sweep

On sweep dot

On point softkey

To select an external trigger event, use the following softkeys:

Stimulus > Trigger > Ext Trigger > Event

Then select the required external trigger event:

On Sweep

On Point





Rev.:  22.3