SCPI Command
CALCulate<Ch>[:SELected]:DATA:FMEMory <numeric list>
CALCulate<Ch>:TRACe<Tr>:DATA:FMEMory <numeric list>
Reads out or writes the formatted memory array. The formatted memory array is the data, whose processing is completed including the formatting as the last step. Such data represent the memory trace values as they are shown on the screen. The array size is 2N, where N is the number of measurement points. For the n–th point, where n from 1 to N: <numeric 2n–1> Value 1 depends on the trace format (see table below); <numeric 2n> Value 2 depends on the trace format (see table below).
Note: When data is being written it is recommended to hold the sweep before and update the screen after write. |
command/query |
CALCulate<Ch>[:SELected] — active trace of channel <Ch>,
CALCulate<Ch>:TRACe<Tr> — trace <Tr> of channel <Ch>,
<Ch> = {[1]|2|...16}
<Tr> = {[1]|2|...16}
<numeric 1>, <numeric 2>, …<numeric 2N>
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