#!/home/copper/anaconda3/envs/woot/bin python # This is a large class for operating a CopperMountain Technologies VNA # THe commands try to make the operations for intuitive than the raw SCPI commands # Folling the class statement, a full 1-port calibration is calculated # from the measurement of Open, Short and Load standards # Written by Brian Walker, Engineering Manager, Copper Mountain Technologies import visa import math import numpy as np class S2VNA: def __init__(self): rm = visa.ResourceManager() #Connect to a Socket on the local machine at 5025 #Use the IP address of a remote machine to connect to it instead try: self.resource = rm.open_resource('TCPIP0::') except: print("Failure to connect to VNA!") print("Check network settings") #The VNA ends each line with this. Reads will time out without this self.resource.read_termination='\n' #Set a really long timeout period for slow sweeps #FIXME make this even longer to be safe self.resource.timeout = 10000 def start(self, start): # Set the Start Frequency self.resource.write('SENS1:FREQ:STAR ' + str(start) + ' HZ\n') def ifbw(self, ifbw): # Set the IF Bandwidth self.resource.write('SENS1:BWID '+str(ifbw)+'\n') def stop(self, stop): # Set the Stop Frequency self.resource.write('SENS1:FREQ:STOP ' + str(stop) + ' HZ\n') def center(self, center): # Set the Center Frequency self.resource.write('SENS1:FREQ:CENT ' + str(center) + ' HZ\n') def span(self, span): # Set the Span self.resource.write('SENS1:FREQ:SPAN ' + str(span) + ' HZ\n') def num_points(self, num_points): # Set the number of points self.resource.write('SENS1:SWE:POIN ' + str(num_points) + '\n') def num_traces(self, num_traces): # Set the number of traces self.resource.write('CALC1:PAR:COUN ' + str(num_traces) + '\n') def meas(self, trace, meas): # Setup trace measurements self.resource.write('CALC1:PAR'+str(trace)+':DEF ' + str(meas) + '\n') # meas can be S11, S12, S21, S22, A, B, R1, R2 def getfreq(self): # Get the frequency data self.resource.write('TRIG:SOUR BUS\n') self.resource.write('TRIG:SEQ:SING\n') self.resource.query('*OPC?\n') freq = self.resource.query('SENS1:FREQ:DATA?\n') freq = freq.split(',') freq = [float(f) for f in freq] return freq def getmeas(self, trace): # Single trigger, get measurement, return float list self.resource.write('TRIG:SOUR BUS\n') self.resource.write('TRIG:SEQ:SING\n') self.resource.query('*OPC?\n') # SDAT always returns Real-Imag format regardless of display format # Wheras FDAT returns data in displayed format s = self.resource.query('CALC1:TRAC'+str(trace)+':DATA:SDAT?\n') # Get RI data as string s = s.split(',') s = [float(m) for m in s] return s def tracform(self, trace, form): # Set the trace format # form can be MLOG, PHAS, GDEL, SLIN, SLOG, SCOM, SMIT, SADM, PLIN, PLOG, POL, MLIN, SWR, REAL, IMAG, UPH self.resource.write('CALC1:TRAC'+str(trace)+':FORM '+str(form)+'\n') def kill(self): # Kill the analyzer process self.resource.write('SYST:TERM\n') def store(self,file): # Store the full analyzer state #self.resource.write('MMEM:STOR:STYP CDST\n') # Save everything self.resource.write('MMEM:STOR:CDST'+str(file)+'\n') # Save everything # Procedure for rotation of cartesion coordinates by radian angle def rotate(x,y,phi): xp = x*math.cos(-phi)-y*math.sin(-phi) yp = x*math.sin(-phi)+y*math.cos(-phi) return xp,yp # Create Procedures to Calculate Reflection Coeff of the Open and Short # For the CMT S911 cal kit, 50 ohm load is assumed to be perfect def calcshortRho(freq): L0 = 2.0765e-12 # H L1 = -108.54e-24 # H/Hz L2 = 2.1705e-33 # H/Hz^2 L3 = -0.01e-42 # H/Hz^3 Offs = 31.785e-12 # pS ind = L0+L1*freq+L2*freq**2+L3*freq**3 XL = 2*math.pi*freq*ind*1j Rho = (XL-50)/(XL+50) phi = 2*math.pi*Offs*freq x = Rho.real y = Rho.imag xp,yp = rotate(x,y,phi) Rho = complex(xp,yp) return Rho def calcopenRho(freq): C0 = 49.433e-15 # F C1 = -310.13e-27 # F/Hz C2 = 23.168e-36 # F/Hz^2 C3 = -0.15966e-45 # F/Hz^3 Offs = 29.243e-12 # pS cap = C0+C1*freq+C2*freq**2+C3*freq**3 XC = 1/(2*math.pi*freq*cap*1j) Rho = (XC-50)/(XC+50) phi = 2*math.pi*Offs*freq x = Rho.real y = Rho.imag xp,yp = rotate(x,y,phi) Rho = complex(xp,yp) return Rho # Now create the matrices full of Open, Short, Load "Actuals" numPoints = 801 startFreq = 9e3 # 9 kHz start freq stopFreq = 6e9 # 6 GHz stop freq loadRho = np.zeros((numPoints),dtype=complex) shortRho = np.zeros((numPoints),dtype=complex) openRho = np.zeros((numPoints),dtype=complex) for i in range(0,numPoints): freq = startFreq+(stopFreq-startFreq)*i/(numPoints-1) shortRho[i] = calcshortRho(freq) openRho[i] = calcopenRho(freq) # Now measure the cal kit to get "Measured" values mloadRho = np.zeros((numPoints),dtype=complex) mshortRho = np.zeros((numPoints),dtype=complex) mopenRho = np.zeros((numPoints),dtype=complex) # Fire up the VNA and set the start and stop and whatnot CMT = S2VNA() CMT.start(startFreq) CMT.stop(stopFreq) CMT.num_traces(1) CMT.meas(1,'S11') CMT.tracform(1,'MLOG') CMT.num_points(numPoints) # Now Measure Open, Short, Load input('Please attach the Open and pres ') S11 = CMT.getmeas(1) S11r = S11[::2] # Rip out the Real part S11i = S11[1::2] # Rip out the Imag part for i in range(0,numPoints): mopenRho[i] = complex(S11r[i],S11i[i]) input('Please attach the Short and pres ') S11 = CMT.getmeas(1) S11r = S11[::2] # Rip out the Real part S11i = S11[1::2] # Rip out the Imag part for i in range(0,numPoints): mshortRho[i] = complex(S11r[i],S11i[i]) input('Please attach the Load and pres ') S11 = CMT.getmeas(1) S11r = S11[::2] # Rip out the Real part S11i = S11[1::2] # Rip out the Imag part for i in range(0,numPoints): mloadRho[i] = complex(S11r[i],S11i[i]) # Now we have to form the Matrices and Solve for Directivity, Reflection Tracking # and Source Match, D, R and S # Create the matrices C = np.zeros((3,3),dtype=complex) CH = np.zeros((3,3),dtype=complex) V = np.zeros((3,1),dtype=complex) # Form the result matrices Directivity, Reflection tracking and Source Match E = np.zeros((3,1),dtype=complex) D = np.zeros((numPoints),dtype=complex) R = np.zeros((numPoints),dtype=complex) S = np.zeros((numPoints),dtype=complex) # Fill them with actual and measured values and do the calculation for i in range(0,numPoints): C[0,0] = openRho[i] C[0,1] = 1 C[0,2] = openRho[i]*mopenRho[i] C[1,0] = shortRho[i] C[1,1] = 1 C[1,2] = shortRho[i]*mshortRho[i] C[2,0] = loadRho[i] C[2,1] = 1 C[2,2] = loadRho[i]*mloadRho[i] V[0] = mopenRho[i] V[1] = mshortRho[i] V[2] = mloadRho[i] CT = np.transpose(C) CH = np.conjugate(CT) #CH is the Hermetian of C E1 = CH.dot(C) E2 = np.linalg.inv(E1) E3 = CH.dot(V) E = E2.dot(E3) D[i] = E[1] S[i] = E[2] R[i] = E[0]+E[1]*E[2] # We now have the correction factors for the full 1-port Calibration # Lets make a measurement dutMeas = np.zeros((numPoints),dtype=complex) dutCorr = np.zeros((numPoints),dtype=complex) mdutCorr = np.zeros((numPoints)) input('Please attach a DUT and pres ') # Measure a DUT, apply the correction and format to Log mag S11 = CMT.getmeas(1) S11r = S11[::2] # Rip out the Real part S11i = S11[1::2] # Rip out the Imag part for i in range(0,numPoints): dutMeas[i] = complex(S11r[i],S11i[i]) dutCorr[i] = (dutMeas[i]-D[i])/(R[i]+S[i]*(dutMeas[i]-D[i])) mdutCorr[i] = 20*math.log10(abs(dutCorr[i]))